Privacy statement

Privacy statement Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub.

Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub respects the privacy of all users of its site and of the members within its (old) membership base.
The board ensures that the personal information provided to the club is treated confidentially.
This data is used to make the fulfillment of the objectives of the Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub as quick and easy as possible.
If the board of Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub wants to use this data for other purposes, permission will be requested from the person (s) involved.
Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub will not sell personal data to third parties and will only make it available to third parties who are directly involved in the fulfillment of the objectives of the Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub.
Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub uses the data of its (former) members / interested parties in the following way:
           The address details are used to inform about developments within the club, to keep its (former) members informed.
If this is no longer appreciated, (former) members can unsubscribe at the secretariat of the club.
The data is used to carry out the club's objectives.
These objectives are set out in the statutes and can be found on the club's website:
Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub does not sell the data of members and (former) members.
Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub will not sell personal information to third parties.
This data is only shared with the board and members, who are directly involved in carrying out the objectives of the Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub.
If there are any questions about the privacy statement of Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub, please contact the board.
See the club's website for this.
The board also helps in the event that information is requested about the use of data or when it needs to be changed.

N.B. This privacy statement has been drawn up with the greatest possible care.
Should there be a reason for an addition, the board of the Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub would like to meet it via this email address: secretariat (at) or during the annual members meeting.

On behalf of the board of Suzuki Coupé GX Fanclub,

April 14, 2018,

Astrid Wiersma (secretary)